Thursday 24 February 2022

MBA – To Do or Not To Do?

 Whether doing an MBA in Finance, MBA in Marketing, or for that matter any other specialization area like HR, Operations Management, and others, the benefits of an MBA degree are applicable regardless of industry sector or professional choice.

However, with the dilution of the quality of the study, increase of the MBA degree holders compared to the actual industry or corporate demand, decreasing value of the degree and pay scale both, aspirants wonder if it is worth anymore to pursue the degree, given the commitment, involvement and expenses involved vis a vis the returns.

However, it remains a fact that to work in a managerial hierarchy, especially with financial institutions or even those with entrepreneurial aspirations, an MBA could provide immense value apart from building the leadership skills needed to be successful.

Completing the program from a reputed college itself demonstrates the commitment to learning, improving skills, and learning to apply them as well that will make a business succeed. An individual with an MBA degree from such a college will radiate a greater sense of confidence, be able to market oneself well apart from having the wealth of information in various streams or subjects that are a must for any company or business.

The following rundown will enumerate the advantages of an MBA degree…

5 Benefits of an MBA degree

1)  Augmented Managerial Ability- The study is a jugglery between a challenging and huge study load and extracurricular in addition to other personal and professional (in the case of working students) commitments and pursuits. From here stems out the skills of effective time management and multitasking.


2)  More options for Jobs- the degree can be a huge plus in present days of the highly competitive job market by setting the holder a step ahead of the peer job seekers. Surely the degree can be very handy in any sector, be it energy, FMCG, consumer durable, or even start-ups. The degree holder will always be a chosen one because of the knowledge and skills both in marketing, finance, hr, and others.


3)  Awareness of the global market and business – with most of the good colleges offering student exchange, internship-abroad programs a student gets exposure to different cultures, knowledge, and perspective of the global economy.


4)  Undeniable skills- the students learn business fundamental skills like communication, critical thinking, analytical skills, leadership qualities. Added to this are the networking skills and opportunities to harness future opportunities.


5)  Various study options – the program does not limit itself to the boundaries of any fixed timeline that need to be adhered to or barriers like age. Working students even after five to six years or more of work experience can opt for Executive MBA programs which are specially designed to cater to the needs of such students. Besides, even the best B-schools in the world are offering various study modes like in-campus, online or part-time.


The Trending MBA Specializations

Apart from the traditional specializations which now perhaps have become saturated, new aspirants may explore the hot demands prevailing in the market like   MBA in Artificial Intelligence, MBA in Business Analytics & Big Data, MBA in Entrepreneurship just to mention a few.

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