Tuesday 28 January 2020

4 Laws India Should Take into Consideration

India, in the recent past, has come a long way in terms of the evolution of laws. The rape laws, laws against acid attack, anti-terror laws, environmental laws etc. have evolved a lot over the years. The law universities in India and law colleges teach all about our constitution, the rights of the citizens, and everything about the law. India has come a long way if we consider this evolution, but still, there are several laws from around the world which we should consider including in our constitution. Here are a few of them which can help make India better with regard to providing justice.

1. Legalize Same-Sex Marriage

2018 was a landmark year for the LGBTQ community in India as the Supreme Court scrapped Section 377, decriminalizing homosexuality. But it is not to be confused with the fact that same-sex marriages are still illegal in India as of now. Many countries like the Netherlands, England, US, Canada, Sweden etc. have recognized same-sex marriages which is a big step ahead for the respective countries in favour of the LGBTQ community. But since same-sex marriage is not legal here, people still face vast discrimination.

2. Reform of Labour Laws

Labour, in India, is somewhere exploited. There is a need to reform labour laws and bring a certain order and system, that should be appropriately implemented throughout the corporate sector and otherwise as well if need be. In France, no one works for more than 35 hours a week which gives them ample time for themselves and time to spend with family. In fact, any employee is not obligated to answer work calls or reply to emails after 6 pm there. India too, should adopt a similar framework of this law.

3. No Criminals for Politicians

Well, this one is a little tough to implement, since almost all the politicians have criminal records in our country. But taking inspiration from Singapore, we too must consider outing politicians from parliamentary candidacy and withdrawing their power if they have a serious criminal history. This kind of strictness can bring a positive change in Indian politics.

4. Criminalize Marital Rape

As mentioned above, India has evolved laws for rape and is working towards bringing more stringent laws for the same. However, marital or spousal rape is still a decriminalized act in India. Unlike Sweden, India is among the 36 countries who are yet to recognize marital rape as a criminal offence.

These laws, if taken into account, can make India a lot better country than it already is. And if, you want to be one of the lawyers in power who can bring this change, then enrol yourself in the best law universities in India and make it happen!

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