Friday 20 December 2019

Tips on Surviving Law Schools With Ease

Pursuing a degree in law can be very demanding, competitive and stressful. You may pass the entrance exams and get into the best law universities in India, but to survive three years of college can seem a bit daunting, given the broad curriculum and internships. Students often struggle to cope up with the syllabus and the hectic routine that follows it. However, the end reward is the plethora of diverse opportunities in the field of law which can open up exciting career avenues after graduation.

As a law student, it is essential that you include efficient planning in your learning methods and follow a stringent study timetable. In an effort to put aspiring lawyers on the path to success, we have compiled a list of tips that will help you to ace law schools with ease -

Read as much as you can - It goes without saying that a career in law requires a lot of reading. Since you will be needed to cover a broad curriculum in a short time, reading just before exams or assignments are not really going to help. You should be on par with readings assigned for your courses and make sure that you don't fall behind as you may waste a lot of time catching up later.

Attend lectures regularly - Most of the discussions in class usually follow the assigned readings, and you may not feel the need to attend lectures. But there might be times when your professor may introduce new concepts that are not included in the syllabus. To ensure that you don't miss out on important information, you should attend lectures, workshops and seminars regularly.
Partake in moot courts - Instead of just wanting to mug up theoretical concepts, you would want to learn to apply that knowledge into practice. Participating in moot courts will help you to develop new skills which in turn will help you to excel in exams. Make sure to participate in debates and moot courts to gain valuable learning experience.

Form study groups - Interacting and studying with students who are well-prepared for class and share the same academic goals can prove to be very beneficial. You can consider building study groups with such students to increase your understanding and retention of course material.

Take notes - When you attend lectures, there may be numerous things which professors say. It is not possible to retain each and every information. Make sure to note down essential pointers during classroom discussion and review these notes before exams and assignments.

Lastly, do not stress out. Maintain a healthy sleep and diet schedule. You don't want to fall sick and miss out on important lectures. A career in law can be very exciting yet demanding. We hope this article helps to make your journey in law universities in India a fruitful and stimulating experience. All the best!

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